My favorite time of day is the golden hour. Technically, the golden hour is two hours a day, so it should be golden hours, but this sounds less poetic. The golden hour happens the hour when the sun rises, and the hour it sets, for those who may not know. The light is magical, warm, soft. The deepest of blues. It's when the world slips into the magical, mystical moment of change. It's the time of day where the sky and earth begin and begin and begin to meet, until they finally do. It reminds me that all is temporary, that all good things come to an end, as do all bad. Here's a maudlin quote from a German writer Jean Paul Richter, "The darkness of death is like evening twilight. It makes all objects appear more lovely to the dying". Or if you prefer something lighter, there is always Oliver Wendall Holmes, "Love prefers twilight to daylight". I think I'll stick with the Doors," You know the day destroys the night, night divides the day, tried to run, tried to hide, break on through to the other side". Anyway, I've been going out for an hour or so after dinner and shooting the twilight with my new camera that I love very much and know how to use, not very much. But that's cool because the point of this experience is not to make good pictures as much as it is about understanding and observing this moment that I love. This moment that feels rare and important, but actually occurs twice a fucking day!
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